Meaning of last numbers X and Y in cmi.interaction[nr].id....slideA_FreeFormDragDrop_X_Y

Sep 14, 2023


Does anyone know what the last two digits in the value of cmi.interation[XY].id mean? The values in the database are stored from DragDrop_0_0 to DragDrop_0_22 for example. = Slide2_FreeFormDragDrop_0_0 = Slide2_FreeFormDragDrop_0_1 = Slide2_FreeFormDragDrop_0_2 = Slide2_FreeFormDragDrop_0_XY = Slide2_FreeFormDragDrop_0_22

Best regards,

2 Replies
Nedim Ramic

It's the sequence of attempted quiz question in one session. For instance, the last line 0_22 means that this question was attempted 21 times before you moved to the next question in one session. If you had 1_2 at the end of the line it would mean that this question was retried from the result slide (Retry button) also in one session. I don't know what XY means, and why this sequence broke after 0_2.

Jakob H.

Hi Nedim, 

thank you very much for the explanation. I had written XY only as a placeholder.

I have created the following evaluation from the database of the LMS. For me the results are plausible now, because I have also seen in the LMS that there are users who have executed a quiz 22 or 23 times.


  wrong  correct
Slide2_FreeFormDragDrop_0_0 1204 5774
Slide2_FreeFormDragDrop_1_0 384 2454
Slide2_FreeFormDragDrop_2_0 125 815
Slide2_FreeFormDragDrop_3_0 47 309
Slide2_FreeFormDragDrop_4_0 26 122
Slide2_FreeFormDragDrop_5_0 11 61
Slide2_FreeFormDragDrop_22_0 1 0