MENU function and sequential access to content

Dec 21, 2021

We have decided to reincorporate the MENU function in storyline player to allow more flexibility in our e-modules. But there is one restriction which is access to the final quiz which user can only access once the different chapters have been done. At the beggining of the module, user discovers the course map with the chap. titles , including the end quiz but if user clicks on end quiz immediately, user gets message inviting him/her to do the chapters first. The pb is that as the MENU function displays all the pages of the module - by clicking on the quiz slide via the MENU the user can go straight to the end and consequently validate the module without having done the work. I know I could delete these slides from the MENU (ultimate solution) but I'd prefer them to remain present as I want the user to be able to come back to these slides should they want to - but ONLY once all chap have been done. How can I do this? Thx for your help.

3 Replies
Becca Levan

Happy to help, Katia!

It sounds like you'll want to Restrict or Lock Only the Menu:

  • In the Navigation Restrictions drop-down list, Restricted will allow learners to view the current slide and any slide they previously viewed, but they won't be able to jump ahead or skip over slides.
  • Uncheck the box to Restrict Next/Previous buttons if custom navigation is in place.

Let me know if this is what you had in mind!

Katia Lotte

Hi Becca

I checked out the MENU restriction options but the problem is that it then applies to all the content, whereas all I want is for user to not be able to access the end quiz via the menu if the module chapters haven't been done (& navigation is non-restricted for the chapters, no sequential mode imposed).

When a user starts the module, the only restriction as indicated on the 'course structure' slide is access to the end validation quiz which is conditioned by user doing all the different chapters:

But as we have activated the MENU to facilitate user going back & forth, the user can access the end validation via the menu without doing the chapters first. And I don't want to delete the validation entry in the MENU because I want the user to be able to go directly to the validation to redo it, once all the chapters & validation have been done.

Walt Hamilton

Set a T/F variable for each chapter. When the learner ends each chapter, set its variable to true. Set the validation Menu item to jump to the slide before the validation. When it starts, have it check all the variables. If one (or more) of them is not true, show a message, and return to the previous slide. If they are all true, jump to the beginning of the validation.