Missing Image description for Cover Photo...

Jun 05, 2024

Is this a Storyline issue or a browser issue?  JAWS is reading the cover photo as a decorative image, which it is, but adds "To get missing image descriptions open the context menu unlabeled graphic."

Is this normal?

2 Replies
Jose Tansengco

Hi BJ,

Happy to help!

Here's a quick recording of what I hear when I try to tab to a course with a cover photo. I didn't hear the same prompt you got, so there's a possibility that it only happens under specific conditions. 

I'd like to ask a few questions to clarify your experience:

  • Which version of JAWS did you use to test? 
  • Which browser did you use for testing? Is it up-to-date?
  • Can you replicate the behavior using the attached file?
  • Would you mind making a quick Peek 360 recording of the behavior so I can try to accurately replicate the behavior?

Looking forward to your response!