Modern player on iphone - web object is resizing

Feb 21, 2019

Web objects are resizing themselves in the Modern Player (Set to OFF) on iPhones.

The first screen shot shows the web object displaying properly using the classic player with everything manually shut off. You can see the scrollbar for the web object starts at the top of the nav. It scrolls and looks good. 

The second screen shot shows the same slide using the Modern Player and the web object goes all the way to the bottom of the slide. It also does not scroll.

The third screen shot below shows the web object in the storyline authoring environment and you can see the web object does not even go to the bottom of the slide which makes this really weird.

The reason we want to use the Modern Player is because it is working a lot better on iPhones in terms of the courses fitting in Safari. We have tried all the Classic Player settings and our courses get cutoff and float around on iphones. 

7 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hey Curtis,

I appreciate you reaching out and sharing what you are seeing with your project.

I'm not seeing a report that lines up quite the same.

With your permission, I'd like you to share your project file with our support engineers to investigate what's happening. You can share it privately by uploading it here. It will be deleted when troubleshooting is complete.

Curtis Wiens

Hi Leslie, if you look at these links on desktop and iPhone you can see the problem. The web object size is set to 888px height, the stage height is set to 1014.  When published with Modern Player on desktop in Chrome the web object keeps the height but on an iphone it stretches it all the way to the bottom of the stage. The second link shows the same slide but published with the Classic player where it works every where the same. Including the ability to touch scroll. 

Web object with modern player

Web object with classic player


Curtis Wiens

Okay, I submitted a file to support. We just noticed through a bunch of testing that it appears like it is extending the web object to the total size of its content. So in our case we have 6 1275x1650 jpgs the web object appears to be stretching out when it is published to 9,900 px even though it is set to 888.


Curtis Wiens

Until there is a solution we are redirecting on that slide if you are on an iphone. I played with the HTML a little bit yesterday and added scrollbars to a parent div instead and that worked but the scrolling experience was jerky and not fluid. Previously the scrollbar was scrolling the body, I think that is where the bug occurs in storyline. Again, thanks for your help. 

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