Module disappeared!! Help!

Jul 04, 2016

I've got a bad feeling this is something I've done by accident but I've opened up my project and for some reason an entire module (scene) is missing. Not even missing but it's there with no slides in it. Has anyone had any experience with this?

2 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Adrian

If you're using Storyline 2 there may be another working version of your project in your temp files. Here's how to check:

1) Open this folder in Windows Explorer: %appdata%\Articulate\Storyline
2) Scan the contents of this folder for a file that starts with the name of your project. If you find one, copy it to your desktop. If you find more than one, copy the latest version to your desktop.
3) Change the file extension of the copy on your desktop from *.tmp to *.story.
4) Double-click the file to open it in Storyline.

If not check out this link about unexpected or erratic behaviour

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