Movable Glossary?

Jul 20, 2012

Hi all,

Happy End Of Week...

Is there any way of moving Glossary content from one storyline to another?


7 Replies
Peter Anderson

Hi Michael, 

Yep, got the file but haven't had a chance to spend much time with it yet. It's near the top of my list today

And sorry for the link. Not sure what happened - it seems to be working fine on my end. Here's the gist of it:

To share resources and glossaries with other projects, computers, or developers, create a Storyline template.  Note:  You muststart a new story from the template for the resources and glossary to populate the player.  If you import the template into anexisting story, the resources and glossary will not populate the player.

Hope that helps, and I'll be in touch soon!

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