Movie is grainy

May 10, 2013

Hi everyone. We had gotten some movies in .mov format and they looked very clear. However, when we published the player, the movies became very grainy. 

Is there a preferred format or any special considerations that we should be asking the videographer for? Thanks

2 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Hi there Ben!

Here's a list of supported video formats. However, please keep in mind that Storyline will convert most of these videos (including .MOV) to MP4. 

It may help to convert the .MOV to MP4 before inserting, or try adjusting your publish quality settings. 

To adjust your video quality settings, click on "Publish". Select your preferred publishing method and look for the "Quality" option under "Properties". Here, you'll be able to adjust the video, audio and image quality for your published course. 

It'll look something like this:

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