Multiple Correct Responses?

Jun 13, 2016

Good afternoon.  We are currently evaluating several content development tools.  So far, Articulate Storyline has been my favorite.  My question is this:  several tools we've looked at show a method of adding alternate methods of performing tasks, e.g., instead of File, Open, you could press Ctrl+O.  Is there any way of doing something like that with Articulate?  I know how to record one set of keystrokes, but am guessing you can't have an assessment that would allow 3 or 4, etc., different methods that will all be considered correct.  Could someone explain?  Thank you

3 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Christine -- Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the community! My apologies if I am not totally clear on what you have in mind, but would this information on Using Keyboard Shortcuts be along the lines of what you need? Or is there a particular type of quiz style you are hoping to utilize? Please see our Storyline 2 - Full User Guide here for various quizzing options, and if you could provide additional details on what you'd like to accomplish, we'll see what more we can do to assist!

Christine Dickenson

Hi Christie.  Articulate allows you to record a video, e.g., maybe you're in Word and you want to copy formatting, so you click the Format Painter button.  You record those keystrokes and you can choose to have a video or a series of slides with the individual steps.  But let's say you want to use those steps as a test to ensure the user can perform them.  I understand that you have that ability to test them on the specific things you recorded, but what is it possible in Articulate to program it to allow more than one correct way (sometimes in Word there are 5 ways of accomplishing something, for example).  I might want them to be able to click Format Painter or press Ctrl+Shift+C, or right-click and choose something....does that make sense?

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