Multiple quizzes in one course with a single cumulative grade SCORM 1.2

Apr 29, 2015

So I've seen some similar, but not exactly.

Say you have a course with 9 modules and 9 quizzes.  The client wants a single cumulative score for the quizzes.  Is this possible?  How would it work if the learner did 3 of the quizzes, exited the course, then came back and said yes to the bookmark, then completed the other 6 quizzes.  Would the results from the first 3 quizzes be preloaded from the LMS to the course?  Would the cumulative results slide  accurately display the results from both sessions and all 9 quizzes?


5 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Mark - 

Create a result slide that combines other result slides into a cumulative score. Insert another new result slide into the Quiz scene. Set the Calculate results for: option at the top of the window to Selected Result Slides and include all of the the quizzes. Please check out this info on creating a result slide and this tutorial on adding result slides

Mark Steiner

Thanks for the info, I think I can do that.  What about the other questions: 

How would it work if the learner did 3 of the quizzes, exited the course, then came back and said yes to the bookmark, then completed the other 6 quizzes. Would the results from the first 3 quizzes be preloaded from the LMS to the course? Would the cumulative results slide accurately display the results from both sessions and all 9 quizzes?

Christie Pollick

Hi, Mark -- 

In order to achieve what you are looking for, please set the Player to 'Resume'. There are 2 options (Prompt to Resume or Always Resume) so choose which would best suit your needs, and yes, then the previous attempts by the students would be retained by using one of the Resume options. Hope that helps, and please feel free to share your file here if you need additional assistance!

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