Multiple trigger on a certain button

Dec 02, 2014

Dear community,

I was wondering whether it is possible to insert various trigger on a certain button. In this case, I have various answers and questions on a slide and the visitor should be able to choose an answer from each question (3 questions on a slide) and to get to the right results slide. How do I do this because everytime I try to insert a trigger on the button called "next" (not the player button!) the visitor will land on the same result page from the first trigger and not on the other possibilities that result from the multiple questions and answers.

Can someone help me with this little problem?

I already tried working with conditions, but this didn't work out..

Thanks in advance,


6 Replies
Julia Ilg

Unfortunately. it's internal and I'm not sure whether I'm allowed to upload it here.

But I can show you screenshots, if that's enough or I'll ask if that's okay before I get into trouble.

Simple question is just: Can I  use various trigger on a certain button, in general?

I'll put pictures up, as soon as I can.

Thank you very much!



Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Julia,

You could always create a sample one that doesn't include any confidential information. You can have more than one trigger on a button - but you'll likely need to implement some conditions on those triggers in terms of when each trigger should take precedent. Otherwise, here is the order in which triggers will be executed. 

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