Navigation bar disappears

Nov 10, 2014

I have 4 online trainings built in Storyline. At the end of each test the participant must click on "Complete Course" in the navigation bar on the left side of the screen. Some of our participants cannot find this navigation bar. They have sent me screen shots and it is just not there. Has anybody run into this same problem?

Jody Bublitz

Fort Collins, Colorado

16 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jody,

Hm, I'm trying to think of what this would be in terms of the Storyline player. Did you add the exit course trigger to your player? If not, have you looked into settings on your LMS to see if it's something you set there? You may want to share some screenshots as Tracy mentioned so that we can point you in the right direction. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jody,

Those links look to be outside the Storyline player and therefore a part of your LMS. Have you reached out to your LMS team to see if they had any thoughts on why they may not be displaying for some users? It may be helpful to share the name of the LMS you're using here so that other users who utilize the same can weigh in with their advice or thoughts. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jody,

When replying to a thread via email you're unable to attach an image or document for us to look at. Can you share it again here? 

The player exit course trigger is one you're welcome to include either as a part of a button on your final slide or within the Storyline player set up as described here - you can add it as another tab and assign the trigger to it to exit the course. . It's  not necessary to include it though, and depending on where you're hosting your course it may not work as expected. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jody,

Unfortunately, I'm still not seeing it...

What type of file is it that you're trying to attach? You should be able to add any Articulate file types, PDFs, jpgs, pngs, doc, etc. files...maybe try to insert it into a .story slide as an image and then share that here? If this is still the image regarding navigation I'd also suggest connecting with your LMS team - as that initial image did not appear to be associated with the Storyline player. If you're looking to share the Storyline player image - and you can't load it up in the forums you can also send it to me here. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

No problem Jody and sorry we weren't able to assist with that particular issue. The Word doc should be able to attach to the forums using the "add attachment" button at the bottom of the reply window. If you were trying to use the "insert image" icon at the top of the reply window, you wouldn't be able to use the Word doc there. 

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