Need Help Creating Back and Next Triggers

Jun 07, 2015

I am working on a storyline project and I am having a horrible time adding back and next triggers on two of my screens in a very short interactive exercise (reflective gear is supposed to return to the introduction page with the back button and move to bike reflectors and lights, for the bike reflectors and lights page the back and next triggers return to the introduction screen). This is my first storyline project and the learning curve feels insurmountable! I have attached the project if anyone would feel generous enough to help me?

Thank you thank you in advance!

2 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Erin

because you have your custom next and back buttons set up on your master slide that already have triggers - that is why you can't set triggers on individual slides. You would need to add a transparent rectangle with fill colour set to 100% transparency and place over the top of the back and next button where you don't want the master slide triggers to fire.

Reflective gear has two slides so I'm not sure which one you want according to your description above.

Bike reflectors and lights is 4.1 and Reflective bodywear is 4.2 but both are headed 'Reflective gear'

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