Need to hide screen from user

Oct 28, 2015

Is it possible to hide an entire screen from the user? In this specific case, I want to create and have a results slide to capture information but I don't want the user to see it. I imagine I can simply create a slide and ensure that no triggers lead to it. Any other suggestions or thoughts for this concept?


Thanks in advance!

6 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Jenna -- I am not entirely certain I know what you are hoping to do, however, I found this article that may be of some assistance to you on Hiding a Base-Layer Object from Appearing on Other Slide Layers in Articulate Storyline. Please check that out and let us know if that will help or if you had something else in mind. And of course, I welcome the community to share any advice or ideas they may have, as well! :)

Christie Pollick

Hi, Jenna -- I also wanted to stop in to note: a results slide does need to be visited to execute the "submit results" trigger, so perhaps instead you should remove anything on the slide that looks like a results slide? Just something to keep in mind in case it appears that results aren't submitting. 

Any additional info or details you could share you would appreciated, and if you already have a file underway, you are welcome to share it to illustrate what you would like to accomplish. 

Jenna Gallagher


Thank you for your help. I think our best solution here is to create the screen in another scene that the user won't access. Since the menu is not active in the player for this project, the user has no way to get to the slide which is what we need. So far, this is working as planned. I'll be sure to add any additional information that comes up with this part of the project moving forward.

Thanks again!

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