Need to send Variable in LMS

Dec 11, 2018

Hi all,

I have seen that several subjects deal with the same theme, but without finding the precise solution to my problem... Sorry if this subject is a duplication.

I don't know if I used the best solution, but I need to build a very long quiz (about 50 items), whose answers should increment a final score. For example, not at all = 0, a little = 1, a lot = 2,...

I decided not to start with traditional questions that require validation with the submit button, but for each question 5 answer blocks that increment a variable. At the end of the quiz, I get the variable with the right score. But it is impossible to transfer it to the LMS (moodle).

I tried the trick of creating a short answer question, but it doesn't work for me. Do you have a trick to roughly say "Variable = Quiz result" to send it to the LMS at the end of the quiz?
Of course I remain at your disposal for more information!
Thank you for your answers ;)


3 Replies
Christine Hounsham

Hi Ben,

So at the end of the quiz you have the learner’s score recorded in a custom number variable(?)

If so, What about then adding a short answer quiz slide with triggers to auto populate the answer to equal the variable score.  Add another trigger to auto submit the short answer quiz result.

You can then use the short answer submitted response as the data passed to the LMS.  You could even design so the learner doesn’t know their looking at a quiz slide   

If you think this might work, I can help describe better if needed.

cheers Christine

Benoit Lemaitre

Hi Christine !

Yes, I've got the final score in a variable, but I'm not able to send it to the LMS.

Are you talking about these advice ?

I tried to apply it, but I think I'm doing something wrong... Or maybe it doesn't work with Storyline 3. I show you a picture of the trigger I'm trying to put. As you can see, impossible to select the variable (which is correct).

TextEntry 2 & 3 are false values from other tests.

Do you see if I'm doing something wrong ?

Christine Hounsham

HI Ben

I hadn't seen that article but yes was thinking similar.  I couldn't see the MyCustomVariable option either. 

I ended up building it out using the Number entry graded quiz.  The key is to ensure you add the quiz slide and a result slide.   I have attached for you to see working.

Regards Christine

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