New in Storyline 360: 64-bit App

Nov 28, 2023

Creating media-rich and other complex projects in Storyline 360 just got better. Thanks to the 64-bit app you'll enjoy faster authoring and increased stability no matter what you've got in the works.

As of May 2024, 64-bit Storyline 360 is the default Storyline version in the desktop app. That means you get enhanced stability, performance, and memory access with no extra steps.

Excited to check this feature out? Articulate 360 subscribers can access 64-bit Storyline 360 right away. And if you want to try this highly-requested feature but don't have Articulate 360, just start a free 30-day trial. For more details about 64-bit Storyline 360, check out this article: Storyline 360: 64-bit App.

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106 Replies
eLearning Development

I am having the same issue as Tom.  Just testing in a new Windows 11 instance in Parallels and it starts, shows first screen then all processes stop.  The first time it didnt even show the opening screen.  I have reinstalled and restarted a couple of times.  Now it shows the screen and then quits.  It is working fine on my Windows 10 instance, just not in this testing of Windows 11.  This is my first time working with Windows 11 so I could be doing something wrong with it as well.

Steven Benassi

Hi eLearning Development!

Sorry to hear you've also hit this snag! Thanks for sharing the troubleshooting steps you've implemented so far.

I've created a support case on your behalf so our support engineers can take a closer look into this behavior. You're in great hands working with them and they should be reaching out to you shortly.

We can continue troubleshooting through your case to keep all information in one spot.

Russ Lowder

So glad to see this improvement. Definitely faster. I've been using now for two weeks and really like having the improved stability and access to more memory. I'm encouraging the other members of my team to use x64 since all of our computers are 64 bit. I agree with the comment that a slightly different app icon would be helpful. Nice job folks!

Jose Tansengco

Hi Jerry,

Happy to help!

You might have your Storyline 360 projects set to open using the 32-bit version of by default which is why you are seeing the 32-bit version when a course is reopened. Here's how to set the default version to the 64-bit one: 

  1. Right-click on any Storyline 360 project file, click on 'Show more options', and choose properties. Click on 'Change' to the right of the 'Opens with:' option. 
  2. Scroll down until you find the 'Choose an app on your PC' option.
  3. Navigate to this folder: C:\Program Files\Articulate\360\Storyline x64
  4. Select this icon, and then click on 'Set default'
  5. Click on 'Ok' in the properties window.

The next time you open a Storyline 360 project file, you should now see the 64-bit version initializing.

Let me know if you have any questions!


Kaam Deir

Storyline 360 now offers a 64-bit app in beta, providing faster authoring and increased stability for media-rich projects. To access this version, update your Articulate 360 desktop app and install the 64-bit Storyline 360 labeled as beta. Subscribers can use it immediately, and non-subscribers can try it with a free 30-day trial. Share your feedback as it's still in beta, helping refine the feature.

Steven Benassi

Hi Malcolm!

Sorry to hear you've hit this snag with voiceover playback from your Storyline course!

I see that you've already opened a support case and shared your .story file privately. Smart move! It looks like you connected with my colleague Lianne who is performing some tests with your file.

We can continue troubleshooting through your case to help keep all information in one spot.

Toni Hunter

My files were definitely bloating for the same reasons so I started changing the way I work. Now instead of inserting the video files directly, I'm embedding them as web objects (I store them over on Wistia). I'm finding this so much better during dev, no more lagging/corrupt files and no more "bloating". Might be something to consider.