Newbie Question - Building an interactive with Triggers

Feb 09, 2021


I'm trying to build my first Storyline project and need some technical help. 

I want the user to be able to explore how lasers look by eye or when viewed with special glasses. I have images of both "views." (example: glasses on, red laser/glasses off, red laser).

I want the user to be able to click "glasses on" or "glasses off" and also each laser to change what they see. I created different layers and triggers to define the different states.'s not working.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,



2 Replies
Dave Ruckley

Hi Natalie,

Have a look at the attached. I think that's what you were looking for?

The triggers on the checkbox were not needed so I removed those and your images on the layers were set to hidden so didn't show when you clicked the colours. Also, the if state of Check Box 2 = Normal statement didn't work so that's now set to does not = Selected. Lastly, your layers had some items from the base layer hidden so there was no way to move between them.

Basically it was mostly down to states of different objects. Once you get a handle on those you'll be all set :)