Next button disabled

Jun 20, 2017

I have a slide with the next button disabled, the slide contains 3 layers which once all 3 have been visited the next button needs to be enabled. What trigger should I be setting up to allow this to happen?


6 Replies
Walt Hamilton

Next Button only shows up in the trigger wizard for slides that have a next Button, and you can't animate it in like a custom button.

FWIW: Best Practices

Plan A: Custom buttons

Plan B: Hide Next Button

Plan C: Disable Next Button

A lot of SL developers are forced to adopt Plan C (even though it creates user frustration), because Articulate hasn't yet figured out how to keep the Previous button in its place. When Next is hidden and Previous is not, Previous slides over to Next's position, causing user confusion. Just one of many strong arguments for creating your own navigation.

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