Next button not reappearing

Aug 19, 2016

Hello. I am having trouble changing the state of the next button to 'normal.' Here is the set up:

I have one slide (let's call it the home slide) on which the NEXT button is set to 'hidden' when the timeline starts. On that slide are 5 elements the user needs to click. Clicking on each element takes the user to another slide. Each element has a selected state. When the user is finished viewing the content on the linked slides, they go back to the home slide. Ideally, after the user has selected all of the elements, the NEXT button should return to it's normal state.

Attempt #1: I intitally set it up with a trigger that said: Change state of NEXT button to normal when state of (all 5 elemets were checked off) equals selected. 

That did not work. Note that the home slide is set to resumed saved state.

Attempt #2: I created a variable called '210total' - this is a value variable with an intital value of zero. I added triggers to each slide that is visited from the home slide so that a value of 1 is added to "210total" when the timeline of each of the 7 slides begins (yes, there are 5 elements on the home slide but 2 slides that get viewed, please bear with me). On the home slide, there is a trigger that says: When varialbe '210total' = 7, change the state of NEXT button to normal. When testing this, I added a text box referenced to '210total' so I could see if it reaches 7 by the end and it does. Yet, the NEXT button remians hidden.

If you have followed all of that - thank you! 

I am not sure how else to troubleshoot. All suggestions are welcome. I have uploaded the slides in question if that is helpful.


13 Replies
Julie Stelter

Hi Adena,

I have had this trouble too. My fix is to make 7 variables, 1 for each of the slides at the end of the branch. Then the variable alters 1 of the 7 object states on home screen. Then add a trigger on the home slide which says when all of the 7 objects are a particular state, change the next button to normal.

Create a custom state such as "revisited" for each object on the home screen. You may need to make some hidden objects that also change state. I have only done this for 1 branch to 1 changed state on home screen. Not quite following your numbers :). The revisited state can look the same as normal but you set a trigger to change that state to revisit. 

This is my work around. Hope it helps. But I would use Brian's suggestion first :) Thanks Brian this will save me some time.

Melanie Sobie

You can also accomplish this without setting the Next button to hidden or disabled at the start of the timeline - and without using variables.

Set a trigger on the Next button that says:
Jump to Next Slide - When User Clicks Next Button - On Conditions = Element 1 state is selected, AND Element 2 state is selected, AND Element 3 state is selected, AND Element 4 state is selected, AND Element 5 state is selected.

ieva swanson

Thanks all.  I had a few false starts on this same issue, so I thought I'd share in case anyone else was on a similar path.  To start, I followed a helpful tutorial by Arlen Asch called "Player Button Triggers."  It is 2:55 min. and you can find it here:

I had almost exactly the same set-up as Arlen's.  He had four shapes creating a menu of sorts, leading to four slides.  He wanted the player's "next" button to appear when all four shapes were visited, so that the learner would not miss information before continuing.  

I had eight shapes, but figured Arlen's method would work regardless.  So I started with two simple triggers, exactly as Arlen suggested.  One trigger to hide my next button, and one trigger to restore it again.  However, when I ran the preview, I discovered two issues:

  1. The "next" button appeared briefly each time I returned to the "menu" screen before it changed to the hidden state I had programmed.
  2. The "next" button stayed hidden after all eight shapes were visited, which wasn't the behavior Arlen achieved as an end result in his tutorial.

After reading Adam Cannon's post here, I tried modifying my triggers by setting some conditions on my shapes, beginning just with the hidden state as Adam suggested.  It took some experimentation with the "equal to/not equal to" and the "and/or" conditions on both triggers to achieve a useful result.  I retained my "prev" button navigation, and finally got desirable end results (solved issue #2) with these two triggers:

  1. "Change state of the next button to Hidden when the timeline starts if: Shape 1's state is not equal to Visited OR if..." etc., though "...Shape 8's state is not equal to Visted."
  2. "Change state of the next button to Normal when the sate of Shape 1 AND..." etc., through "...Shape 8 are Visited."

Final note: I still have the "next" button appearing briefly each time I return to the "menu" screen before it is hidden (did not solve issue #1).

One notable difference between my situation and Arlen's was that Arlen used screen navigation on each child slide to return to the parent, or "menu," slide.  I used the player's "prev" button on my child slides.  I observed Arlen's "close" hyperlink jumped the learner back to the "menu" slide very cleanly.  My "prev" button animates back to the menu more slowly than Arlen's screen navigation.  My "next" button appears immediately at the start of the animation (normal state), but then once the animation transition is complete the "next" button changes to hidden state as programmed (start of the timeline).

I suggest if you really want clean performance, you might want to experiment with Arlen's screen-based navigation to see if you get better results than I did with the "prev" button.


ieva swanson

Follow up: after a 24 hour break from the problem I went back to the ol' IT standby: did you try turning the power on and off, or in our case, did you recheck the trigger order to see when they fire?  Ugh.  Of course the triggers that looked fine the day before weren't in the correct order to achieve what I wanted.  The Prev button still causes an animated, rather than jump, transition, but now the Next button does not appear until I want it to.  Problem solved.

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