Next slide trigger works in Storyline but not Review or Rise

Dec 22, 2020

I'm relatively new to Articulate, and I'm trying to create a set of essay questions in Storyline to be inserted into Articulate 360 as a Storyline block. When I preview the project in Storyline, all works as expected. When I publish to Review and insert using the Storyline block, the "Next slide" trigger on for the Continue button in the feedback of the very first slide doesn't seem to be working. It just keeps going back to the question. It doesn't work in Review either.

I've attached a picture of the triggers on the slide in question.

Your expertise in helping me figure out what's going on would be greatly appreciated!

3 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Kelly and welcome to E-Learning Heroes 😊

Thanks for reaching out and sharing what you are experiencing in your project.

With your permission, I'd like to take a look at your .story project file to investigate what's happening. You can share it publicly here, or send it to me privately by uploading it here. I'll delete it when I'm done troubleshooting.