Not recording correctly if complete/incomplete in our LMS - ESR

Oct 04, 2014


I work for the NHS and we use ESR (Electronic Staff Record) as our LMS that we upload our eLearning to. We have recently purchased Articulate Storyline and published a couple of eLearning packages for the LMS. We have successfully uploaded them to ESR, but are having problems with how it records the outcome.

The eLearning has been published for LMS as SCORM 1.2 as Completed/Incomplete. However, even when you have gone through the whole course it is not recording it as complete and is just stuck on incomplete. When I publish it as SCORM 2004 it records it as complete in our LMS as soon as you open the eLearning. Even thougth the tracking option has been set to only complete after a certain number of slides have been viewed.

Has anyone else experienced this problem. Does anyone know why it does this?

16 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Trish and welcome to E-Learning Heroes!

I would recommend that you test this content inSCORM Cloudto see how it compares. This is our industry standard and will help identify if the issue lies in the course settings or with your LMS. Please let us know if you can reproduce the issue, otherwise you will need to look to your LMS.

Gerry Wasiluk

Hi, Trish!

I've seen something of the same with Saba. No experience with ESR, however.

For Saba and SCORM 1.2, we end up making two edits to the published output to make it work. Doubt the two edits would apply in your case.

For SCORM 2004, I've seen the same but the way Saba implemented SCORM 2004 (pretty dumb, IMVHO ), we avoid using SCORM 2004. We just keep our SCORM 1.2 courses short so we don't run into problems with resume (bookmarking) data being too large.

Rebecca Carter

Hi guys!

I am trying to remember what I did...

Is it ESR that you are trying to upload a course to? If so you will probably do the same thing as I by publishing out your course to LMS settings SCORM etc, then uploading those unzipped published files onto a server. from that server you then have to obtain the correct URL for that newly uploaded course(usually the name of the course with the regional server details before it, for example this is mine): 

Once you have obtained that correct URL, meaning when you click on it the course will play in a new browser window, you then have to add that URL in the course URL box when creating a new course on ESR.

Now when I uploaded the course the first time my URL looked like this: <<<< Note the source file on the end is index.html

In order to get the course to talk to the ESR the source file must be INDEX_LMS.HTML

Hope that helps, I don't really deal with the ESR side of things as we have a separate ESR manager who uploads my courses for me and also ESR is terribly complicated to use and a pretty awful LMS if you ask me so I do try to steer clear of it when I can... :)


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