NVDA reading previous slide

Feb 24, 2023

Hi all, I've noticed an issue with NVDA which seems strange, so wondered if anyone had seen this before.

These are the steps!

1. User selects button on slide 1
2. NVDA reads out the aria name on the state
3. Trigger jumps to slide 2 (not layer) (trigger is jump to slide when button selected)
4. NVDA continues to read out the name of the button, and not the new content on the slide.

I've always had a 'hard break' on NVDA once a slide has moved on so this is strange.

Has anyone else experienced this?

2 Replies
Eric Santos

Hi Steve,

I'm sorry you're hitting this snag! I tested a sample Storyline course using NVDA, and I see the expected behavior when clicking the space bar to activate the Next Slide button; it goes to the next slide and stops reading the button name.

If you see something different and repairing Storyline doesn't improve things, could I have you connect with us in a case so we can determine what's happening? We'll reach out soon after we hear from you!

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