Of Visited States vs Layer Triggers

Jun 07, 2022

Testing a course with a menu page I found an interesting quirk. Each linked image on the menu page has a Visited state that should turn it dark upon return. The slide also has separate layers to play a different audio after returning from each link visited. 

To save time on each followed link, I was clicking near the end of the play bar then clicking Next. Upon return to the menu the visited states were not triggered. The audio layers worked properly.

So I tried it without touching the play bar, just clicking Next. Visited states all worked. However, I had variables near the end of each visited area that controlled the audio layers on the menu. Doing the testing the second way, I didn't get the audio layers because their variables were not set when I merely clicked the Next button.

I can do one or the other but not both at once.

Has anyone seen this? Hopefully, learners will not be affected by this when it goes into production.

I have attached a short video showing what happens.


SL 360 v3.64.27845.0; Win 10 Ent

12 Replies
Jose Tansengco

Hi Allen, 

Thanks for the recording. It looks like the objects in your menu are not changing states at all. Would you be willing to upload a copy of your project file here so we can take a look at how the states and slide triggers are configured? You can also open a support case with our support engineers if you prefer to share your file in private. 

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Jose Tansengco

Hi Allen,

The reason why the states were appearing differently for you was because after clicking on one of the scenario slides in your course, the learner is redirected back to Slide 1.2, where the 'Return Visit' layer is immediately shown, covering the base layer. This is because of this specific trigger: 

Viewing any of the scenarios will fulfill the conditions set in this trigger, causing the Return visit layer to immediately show. Did you mean to use the 'Or' operator for this trigger? Or should they also use the 'and' operator, similar to how the 'Last visit' layer trigger is designed? 


Walt Hamilton

When you click on one of the lights on the base layer, it automatically (because of its built-in superpower) turns to Visited state. When you return to that slide, the triggers instantly show the Visited layer and play the audio. However, you don't see the Visited state of the lights because they are covered by lights on the Visited layer. Since those lights have not been clicked, they aren't in the Visited state. In fact, they don't even have a Visited state.  Delete them from the layers, and the pics on the base will show through.

Allen Way

Hey Joe,

The Return Visit trigger you show is to cause the Return Visit layer to show. That layer contains the audio for return visits instead of the longer, main audio the user heard the first time. 

The OR conditions should cause the trigger to fire if any of the G1, R1 or R2 scenes have been visited.

The Last Layer trigger should fire only when all the scenes have been visited, hence the AND conditions. 



Jose Tansengco

Hi Allen, 

Here's a version of your project with the slides colored in so you can see what I mean. The reason why it appears that your stoplights are not changing states is because the base layer is getting covered by the return layer. So this statement in your last response is correct: 

The OR conditions should cause the trigger to fire if any of the G1, R1 or R2 scenes have been visited.

But, it is also causing the Return layer to cover the base layer. 

Allen Way


[insert head smack here] Thanks for catching that. I only added the pics of the lights to the layers because the base layer gets paused so their links never appear since they come in later.

I can replace the layer pics with a trigger on the base that jumps the timeline to a point where the pics are all there then immediately go to the proper layer.



Walt Hamilton

Or perhaps the simplest solution would to use the triggers to play the audios instead of show the layers. You would have to insert this one - Play audio 1 if nothing has been visited. This one is already there - it just needs its action changed from show layer to play Audio 2 if something has been visited,