On clicking Save, Storyline is creating multiple copies in the same folder.

Jul 19, 2019

It says, the "file is in use by another process" and prompts to create a copy. Happens every second time I try to save it. When i go to the location, there's already a copy created with suffix "2" and the original file saved as well. I have to close and reopen the file each time it makes a copy.

24 Replies
Evon Stanley

No. I paste the working file on my desktop where it doesn't make copies. But, if I save a file opened in an inside Documents folder, it starts making copies there and says - the file is in use.

Articulate Support suggested reinstallation, but it is a very long process for me. My org IT Support suspected the duplication of set up files in two locations.

Lynn Hubbard

I get this message randomly after I save a file and exit, then it won't let me reopen it. It wants me to copy the project and then try again. This has been intermittent for a few releases. Sometimes I haven't opened the SL file for days and it still throws an error. Due to being intermittent, no support ticket has been raised. Reboots don't change it.

Vincent Scoma

Hi Khalil and Lynn,

Khalil, I went ahead and opened up a Support Case on your behalf! Something else might be taking place here, so I wanted our Support Engineers to take a closer look. 

Lynn, that does seem odd that the error message appears intermittently. May I ask if you have had a chance to perform a simple repair of Storyline to see if that helps? 

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Jennifer,

It would be best if we could work directly with you as well to get to the bottom of the issue that you are seeing.

I've opened up a support case on your behalf so that you can work with one of our support engineers and I've included a link to this conversation as well as to Khalil's case to connect the dots too.

You should be hearing from someone soon.

Katie Riggio

I'm sorry to hear that you're also facing this problem, Michael. Let's get that fixed!

I opened a case on your behalf with our Engineers, where you'll hear from the team soon. They'll work closely with you to track down what's causing that message!

In the meantime, a simple Storyline repair might help if the error affects all project files. If it's happening with a certain one, importing the slides into a new Storyline file is the way to go!

Becca Levan

Hi Mark! I appreciate you reaching out to let us know you're experiencing this.

If you don't see improvement from there, I encourage you to work directly with one of our support engineers to help find what's causing your issue as a next step. Feel free to connect with someone on my team here, and they'll reach out to help troubleshoot with you!

Dwayne Schamp

I version control all my courses, which prevents this from happening. Opening a file for the day to work on, it gets revved a version. I usually use Save As... several times a day just in case. Sure I have v40 sometimes, but I'd rather delete old versions than have to restart an entire course if my computer crashes or the program (as EVERY program in existence does) bugs out and crashes. 

I've lost more than I care to remember before starting to do this many years ago. With everything that SL360 CAN do, and the ROI we get in using it, this isn't an issue that falls into my Bucket of Complaints. 

keep up the great work!

Mark Digiacomo

Dwayne: I do version saving as well to a lesser extent at times, but this is an uncontrolled, forced save-as with automatic "copy_copy_copy" added to the file. No option to save normally, and no option to save as with my own name or version. I'll see if pasting into a new project helps like Becca suggested. 

Jürgen Schoenemeyer

some steps to test:

is there the error with "save"?

is there the error with "save as" (with the same name)?

is there the error with "save as" (with a new name)?

is there the error with"save as" (another directory on the same hard disk)?

is there the error with"save as" (another directory on another hard disk / USB stick)?


Kelly Auner

Hi Sukhmeet,

Welcome to the E-Learning Heroes community! ✨

I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing an issue with Storyline saving duplicate files. I'm happy to help! I have a few questions in addition to what Jürgen suggested.

If these steps don't resolve the issue, please let me know here or reach out to our Support Engineers so we can investigate further!