Opening a Video in a New Browser Window (it's too small)

Sep 23, 2014

In Storyline 1, I’ve added a video that is 1280x720, and set it to open “In new browser window.


Unfortunately the new browser window plays a much smaller version of the video than the original, causing a lot of blurriness & degradation. I noticed these height & width settings are passed as URL variables, such as “exWidth=852&exHeight=480” (entire Storyline generated URL below). When I change the size in Storyline 1, all it does is change the graphic size, not the outputted URL that controls the video size in a new window.


How can I adjust these settings from within Storyline 1 so the video plays back at the appropriate size?



3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Caroline,

Where are you setting the size of the video? When I try inserting a video file into Storyline, and change the size within Storyline, it'll change what appears on my slide - but when the video launches in the new window, it's launching at the same size every time. 

Could you share the video file with us so that we could take a look at how this is behaving? 

Caroline Willi

Normal 0 false false false oNotPromoteQF /> EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ontGrowAutofit /> ontFlipMirrorIndents /> MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

Hi Ashley,

Thx for your response. The “Size” panel in Storyline does not correlate to the URLvariables passed from Storyline when the video opens in a new window. Changingthe values in the ‘Size’ panel just changes the graphic size that you click onto launch the video in a new window. The video size in the new window appearsto be similar/ slightly smaller than the window size URL variables (852x511,specifically “exWinWidth=852&exWinHeight=511”), so is there a way to changethat setting in storyline? Or a way to remove that entirely & let the videoplayback at 100%? Somehow Storyline is generating these URL variables & we need to be able to edit those values.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Caroline,

I don't believe there is a way to edit those values, and believe it is based on how Storyline is reading the video dimensions to launch in a new window. If the video is hosted on another site, can you adjust the properties there to lock or adjust it to ensure it'll always open at that height/width? 

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