outline colors are inconsistent

Jan 03, 2024

Is this a me problem or?

I'm attaching a short one minute video to explain what I'm experiencing, and the one slide in storyline file.  Basically, on many, though not all, objects in Storyline 360, when I try to format the outline color, when I choose white, I get a black outline.  When I choose black, I get a white outline. If I choose tan, I get a blue outline.  When I choose blue, I get a tan outline.  All the other colors work just fine.

1 Reply
Eric Santos

Hello Rachael!

Sorry, you've hit this snag with the outline colors; I'm happy to help! Thanks for sharing your Storyline file and the screen recording! 

I'm not seeing this issue on a new Storyline project, so I ran some tests on your project and found out that the diamond objects are possibly corrupted, causing the issue. I recreated the #1 diamond, and it seemed to fix the problem for that object. I attached the revised file for your reference.

You may recreate the other diamond objects to resolve the issue. Here are tips to prevent file corruption in the future.

Please let me know if you have any questions!