Pan effect for a large image

May 16, 2013

Hi All

I have a tricky problem and hoping someone may have found a solution to this already.

I need to create a pan effect of an extremely large image for systems based training. Basically a long series of screen captures joined together. When i save this very large image and re-import it automatically resizes to fit the screen. I then added multiple zoom effect stacked along each other to create the pan effect. Unfortunately due to the import the resolution looks rubbish and is completely un-usable.

There must be another way to make a pan effect over this image. Alternative though is to use the raw image and make the image move up and the screen doesn’t do anything. No idea how to even attempt this.

Can anyone suggest a solution? Slide attached.



18 Replies
Brett Rockwood

If I understand correctly you have a very large image that you want to be able to zoom into and pan about to see detail. But when you insert the image it scales down to fit the screen and then when you zoom it it looks pixelated and rubbish. What you need to do, and I know this sounds weird is...

  1. Insert you full size image and drag it off the stage
  2. Now resize it back to 100%.
  3. Copy the full size image and paste it on the stage
  4. Reduce the size of the pasted image to "fit to screen"
  5. Apply your zoom regions to the reduced onscreen image

Now when the image zooms it will use the data from the full size version offscreen to draw the zoomed region onscreen. By putting several zoom regions on the timeline consecutively it will give the impression of panning and zooming between them and is a pretty cool effect.

Check out this thread. Or this thread. There are a couple of other discussions about this that I can't find at the moment.

Shane Toevs


Never posted here before but just wanted to express my appreciation for the tremendous support available in the Articulate community.  I was experiencing the same problem as Rachael and after following Brett's clear instructions was able zoom into my large screenshots without blurriness or pixelation.

Thanks a million!


Zeeee Veee



I have a screen with three clickable buttons at the bottom . Upon clicking the left most button, the learner is taken to the left. i.e. the image moves/ pans to the left end... Similarly, if the learner clicks the third button, the learner is taken to the extreme right end. i.e. panning towards right.

And on clicking the central button, the learner is brought back to the center of the screen/image.

What  size of image should I take out from Photoshop? stage size ins toryline : 1000 X 554

How do I resize in storyline (360)?

I need help urgently...Looking forward to hear from you.





Alyssa Gomez

Hi Chetana,

I would suggest using an image with the same height as the Storyline slide, and the width should be wider than the Storyline slide.

Are you looking for ways to resize an image in Storyline? If so, have a look at this tutorial on zooming, cropping, and resizing images.

If you need more help, attach your slide here, and one of the staff or someone from the community can take a look! 

Zeeee Veee

Hi Elyssa,

Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay. I had serious health

Please find attached the story file in which I need to add a panning effect.

The frame begins with the couple center stage. The learner needs to click
the three buttons on the panel below to pan to the respective directions. I
have added triggers as per the requirement but am not getting the suitable
results. I need you help urgently as my deliverable is slated to the client
tomorrow EOD.

Please feel free to shoot as many questions as possible. I will be eagerly
waiting for your reply.


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