Placeholder only finds illustrated characters

Feb 07, 2013

I am using a placeholder in my master slides for different layouts with characters, however, I only see the illustrated characters when using the placeholders in normal view. Is this just the way it is? or  am I doing something wrong? I purchased the photographic character bundle and can insert them normally with no problems, but, I would like to use placeholders to make sure of placement and size.

Any help or comments will be helpful, I am a new user to storyline. - Love it! BTW

Thanks Les-

4 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Leslie,

Can you clarify what you mean by "normal view"? Do you mean when you're viewing the slide with the character that's been added, or when you're previewing? 

I'd assume that if you're placing a character, or placeholder on your Master, you'll see it across all slides. Are you placing the new characters over this character? 

Leslie Smith

Hi Christine,

Thank you for replying.

I am trying to use a placeholder in the master slide layouts for the characters I will add when developing the training (this is what I mean by normal view). I want to make sure the placement and sizes are the same as the user moves from slide to slide. I am able to do this with the illustrated characters but the photographic characters do not appear as an option to select from. As I mentioned, I purchased the bundle of photographic characters and can add them manually but would like to use the placeholders to assure placement and sizing.

I am guessing that this is not an option but wanted to ask in case I downloaded the bundle incorrectly.

Thanks again for your reply,


Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro

Hi Leslie,

You're correct, at least as far as I can tell. Illustrated characters ARE one of the placeholder items listed in Master View on the Master Layout Group, Insert Placeholder drop-down. The others are content, text, picture, movie, flash, web object.

I wonder if there's a way you can accommodate the photographic characters? You can save them out as pictures and then use the picture placeholder, but that seems like a LOT of work.

Hoping someone else chimes in.

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