Player is too large to view on an Iphone

Jun 22, 2017

I piggybacked this issue on another comment a few hours ago, but now can't find it.

My published lesson looks great on my computer and ipad, but not my phone. I tried all 3 of the browser settings and both player size options. None made any difference. I set it to publish as HTML5/Flash. Can you please help? Thanks.

13 Replies
Peggy Kelsey

Here is one more. This one had the same settings as above, but I uploaded it to LearnDashLMS using the insert or embed articulate content app.  Before I'd used the iframe size custom from dashboard setting and this time I used the default setting. It fits on the screen but is too small to read. 

Martin Garnett

Hi Peggy,

I've taken the liberty of simply uploading it temporarily to my web host to investigate.

If you launch the course in your mobile you should see that it's all fine, meaning that the problem is down to your WordPress theme. In which case, I advise you contact the people who made you theme and ask them why it's not responding to smaller browser sizes.

Here's the link so you can check it out:

I know this doesn't quite solve your issue but hopefully, it helps rule out any options in storyline being the issue.

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