Player seekbar replays all media

Mar 05, 2013

Greetings Heroes, I have a dilemma with the player seekbar. 

I have a frame that has an audio file and two videos. The audio file is set to play when the frame starts and the videos are set to play when user clicks and both have “Show Video Controls” turned on. The frame itself has the Seekbar player feature turned on and “When Revisiting” is set to “Reset to initial state” so that the replay button works correctly.

Everything works fine until I interact with the player seekbar. Selecting the area ahead of the current player position in the progress area of the seekbar causes all media to play simultaneously. If the frame is paused then I skip ahead and then select play it will also play all the media.

I should note that this is an HTML5 and Flash project.

Any advice you can give on this will be much appreciated.  Thanks.

8 Replies
Peter Anderson

Hi Jon, 

Just wanted to update you here on the issue you reported. We've been able to reproduce it on our end, and it's been sent to QA for fixing. I'll update here with any news. 

In the meantime, you may be able to workaround it using this technique

Hope that helps, and thanks again for bringing this to our attention. 

Jon Hill

Hi Peter, the workaround is fine in SWF output but there are still issues with the HTML5 output.  I've tested this in both Chrome (Version 25.0.1364.152 m) and IE 9 (ver 9.08) on a Window 7 (x64) and found many instances of the player seekbar and audio playback getting confused with the video controls. Chrome and IE have different results, however, IE is consistent even if the video object is set to play "From trigger" or "When clicked".

Here's my test file.

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