Positioning of Selected State Object Wrong

May 14, 2014

I inserted a picture into a slide and made a zoom using states.  With Normal and Selected states being the only ones there, it worked fine. 

Then I wanted to add a Visited state to tell the trainee that he/she had already visited that picture (there are going to be many pictures eventually).  Upon adding the Visited state things went wrong.

As can be seen in the attached story, the Selected state is getting its sizing from the Selected state definitions correctly, but it is getting its positioning vectors from the normal or Visited state.

A quick comparison of the states in the editor vs, what shows up will clearly show you the difference.

I don't seem to be able to get the Selected state to work right as long as that Visited state is defined.

7 Replies
Marco Faust

Yes, Walter, that is what we are discovering.  It is a bug and Articulate needs to fix it.  There certainly are work arounds as you are suggesting, but I think any reasonable person looking at this should conclude that the way I did it should work properly.

Generally, I am discovering just how powerful States can be in providing stimulating training.  They can/should speed up the development process.  Workarounds because of bugs like this significantly increase the development time.

Anyone know when a new version of Storyline is coming out?  I think it is a great product, but there are a lot of things that need to be improved and fixed.

Marco Faust

@Ashley: The problem with that workaround is that I intend to have a bunch of pictures on the same page.  Using the states to handle the zooms and the visited information seemed to be a great solution.  With different layers I'm going to need to replicate all the pictures on the subsequent layers.  Yes, I see exactly how it can be done, but it is at least 5 times the effort simply because the states feature doesn't work properly.

Articulate needs to realize WHY people buy their product.  I at least use it because I can get more done with it than with other platforms in the same amount of time.  Forcing us to use workarounds like this significantly reduces the value of your product.

Andy Whitman

Hi Marco,

I agree with having to deal with the workarounds. But it's better than having to code an entire course by hand.

Having said that, the layer workaround shouldn't take too much extra time. You'll have to create a couple triggers and a layer, but then you can copy and paste them for all objects, whereas you can't copy and paste states, instead having to create each, one at a time. The layers might actually be quicker, I'm going to try it ... 

I made three shapes and did what we have been talking about, using both strategies. The layers did take about 5 seconds longer per shape for a total of 15 additional seconds. So I guess, that's about 8 minutes and 20 seconds per 100 images. Of course, if you're only doing say 12 images, then that's only an extra minute. 

Marco Faust

Thanks Walter.  I see what you mean about the Pasting vs. having to set each picture with multiple states. 

I think that it is much cleaner with states rather than layers.  Layers make it difficult sometimes to see what it going to actually look like.  But there is no doubt about it, layers will work.

This does actually point out another strength of Storyline: Many tasks can be handled in a multitude of ways.  That is good because it allows us to get around obstacles when they come up.  My position is still firm, that, in this case, the obstacle shouldn't exist.  It's supposed to work as I set it up but something in the program somewhere is not right and Articulate needs to fix it.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Marco,

Sorry for the delay in replying to this post - I was doing some additional testing to see when/how it happens. I see the behavior your describing when scaling an image and it seems to only be specific to image files - as with regular shapes it all works as expected. I was able to do a "save as" for the picture in the selected state and then insert that one to replace the original - and that also allowed it to work as expected. So did inserting the image again within the selected state and scaling it. I realize that these are still workarounds for a functionality that is not working as expected, so I'll be sharing it with our Quality Assurance team for review. I can't offer a time frame on when they'll be able to fix it or provide us an update but I'll link it to this thread so that I can keep you posted. In the meantime, you can also stay up to date on new features, releases, and update by following Articulate on Facebook, Twitter and subscribing to our Word of Mouth blog. 

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