PowerPoint audio doesn't import to Storyline correctly

May 29, 2014

I created a four-slide PowerPoint, and recorded "Test slide 1," "Test slide 2," etc. on each of the four slides, and then imported the file to Storyline.

I previewed the file in Storyline - but didn't publish. The first slide played the "Test slide 4" audio. The second slide had no audio at all. The third slide correctly had "Test slide 3" audio, and the fourth slide had nothing.

I searched and found some information about this in the Presenter forum, so I moved the PowerPoint file to my C:\ drive (one of the recommendations), and nothing changed. None of the other recommendations were pertinent.

Can you import PowerPoint audio into Storyline? Is this just not a feature? Otherwise, does anyone have any thoughts on how to address this?


12 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Maureen and welcome to Heroes! 

You mentioned that the powerpoint file was not previously on your C drive, and working off a network or USB drive when importing, editing, publishing Storyline is known to cause issues as well. So you'll want to ensure that all your project files are on a local drive as described here. 

Additionally, when importing from Powerpoint to Storyline, it's  not a one to one conversion as detailed here, although individual slide audio should be imported into Storyline. 

I'd suggest to try again with a new file created on your C drive, and then imported into Storyline following these directions. Additionally you can also record audio directly in Storyline. 

Maureen Gilliland

Ashley, thank you for your reply. However, it didn't work. I moved everything to my D:\ drive, and created a new five-slide  PowerPoint to import. I recorded the slide number on each slide again, and when I imported it to Articulate and previewed it, the audio on the first slide was "Slide 5 test." So the pattern was identical, even with a new file on the D:\ drive, and new audio recordings.

The fact that there is a predictable pattern may be significant. Articulate again took the recording from the LAST slide, and placed it in the FIRST slide. The second slide had no recording at all, and the third slide correctly had the "Slide 3 test" audio. Slides 4 and 5 had no audio at all.


Thank you!

Maureen Gilliland

Ashley, I received the following email from you, and have only had time today to revisit this issue. However, my deadline is approaching and the situation has become more urgent.

Hi Maureen and welcome to Heroes!

You mentioned that the powerpoint file was not previously on your C drive, and working off a network or USB drive when importing, editing, publishing Storyline is known to cause issues as well. So you'll want to ensure that all your project files are on a local drive as described here.

Additionally, when importing from Powerpoint to Storyline, it's not a one to one conversion as detailed here, although individual slide audio should be imported into Storyline.

I'd suggest to try again with a new file created on your C drive, and then imported into Storyline following these directions. Additionally you can also record audio directly in Storyline.

We have remote individuals recording audio for our courses, and only two Storyline licenses at our headquarters. It is not possible for these individuals to sit at my desk and record their audio. If we do it over the phone the quality will suffer. The best solution is to have them record in PowerPoint, and send the file to me to import.

However, the PowerPoint audio does not import correctly no matter where the Storyline file originates – I moved everything to my hard drive, and experienced exactly the same problems. In fact, Storyline always imports in the same, predictable incorrect way each time, which I described in my posting. Please recreate my test for yourself. On each slide, record the slide number ("This is slide 1." "This is slide 2," etc.) Then import. In Storyline, the slide numbers will be mixed up or will not import at all. And they always do this in the same order with the same slides missing audio. I’ve done this several times with several different files originating in different places, both shared drive and hard drive.

Have you actually tested this yourself and found that YOUR audio imports correctly? If so, what specific steps do you take, other than the ones in your link, which I did myself? Has anyone considered that there may be a bug? I’ve done software development in the past, and this smells like a bug to me.

Please advise. Thanks!

Maureen Gilliland

I think I may have figured it out. In the initial tests I recorded the PowerPoint audio using the Insert > Audio > Record Audio function. When I went back and used the Slide Show > Record Slide Show > Start Recording from Current Slide option, it seems to have imported without any problems - at least in my initial test.

If I encounter any other problems, I'll be back, but so far it looks good!

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Q Man!

There is a similar thread here if you would like to take a look.

You'll want to review the steps here to ensure you're following the import process correctly and also confirm that your powerpoint file and .story file adhere to these general guidelines:

Crystal Horn

Hi all!  I wanted to provide an update here, as Storyline 2 Update 8 was just released, and included a number of fixes which you can see in the release notes available here.

The item you all may be particularly interested in is how it fixes an issue where M4A audio files in PowerPoint wouldn't be imported into Storyline. You can download the latest update here, and after downloading and installing the latest update you’ll want to republish any existing content to ensure that the updates and fixes are applied. 

Let us know if you have any questions, either here or by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly. 

Sharon Combs-Eisenbarth

I've downloaded the latest update and tried importing PowerPoint pptx files and no luck - no audio.  I must be missing a simple step?  I have update 9 1605. (downloaded today and installed). 

I open Storyline 2
Click Import
Choose PowerPoint --Pptx file format
Select all and Import
No audio is imported. 

I tried creating a new project and using import - no luck. 

Anyone get this to work? I'm wondering if I'm missing a step? 

Christie Pollick

Hi, Sharon -- Thanks for reaching out and for sharing the steps you have taken to Import from PowerPoint. From what you have shared, it sounds like everything should be functioning properly. So, assuming you have already run through the troubleshooting steps shared above, you might want to create an Articulate package with the steps here of your original PPTX file so we can attempt to import into SL2 and see if we can reproduce the issue on our end. 

If you'd prefer to share privately, here is the form you will need to send that along. :)

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