Problem with question review - Storyline 3

Apr 18, 2017

After updating my project from SL2 to SL3, I can no longer review questions using HTML5 output. Nothing happens when I press the Review button. It works fine in preview mode, if I use Flash or when published to Articulate 360, but not when published to Web as HTML5. It also works in SL2 (using HTML5), so this occured after converting the course. 

I cannot attach the entire project, as it's company confidential, but I've included a small sample. I don't know why the file is so large, though. The published content is only about 2.5 Mb. 

28 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hey Tom, thanks for including the sample file. I can definitely see how the 'Review Quiz' button in the HTML5 version doesn't work, so I've opened a support case for you to look into this further (01057407). Keep an eye out for a message from The team will test your file and get back with you shortly!

Alyssa Gomez

Hi there Tom,

Thanks so much for coming back around with an update. I took a peek into your case, and I see that Wilbert logged the issue as a possible software bug. I really appreciate you reaching out about this, since this is not something we've yet seen in Storyline 3. 

As soon as I get an update, I'll be sure to notify you. For now, hopefully using "Always resume" or "Prompt to resume" will work for your project. 

Russ Sawchuk

Hi Tom,

After reading your post I went and checked a number of quizzes that I updated to SL3 yesterday. I publish to HTML5 with Flash as a fallback. Sure enough, I found that Review did not work. After changing to "Prompt to resume", it now works.

Fortunately, for all of my quizzes I provide instant feedback so Review is probably not used much. However, I agree, hopefully this will be fixed soon.

Thanks for the heads up.


Patrick Ryan

We ran into this as well except it happens when we publish to LMS and prompt to resume and just host it on our web server and not an LMS. When we publish with the same settings and and use SCORM Cloud, the Review Quiz works. When we publish to a web server (not LMS) and host on a web server, Review Quiz does not work. This might be helpful for support to figure out the issue. 

Alyssa Gomez

Hey Patrick!

Thanks for adding your experience here. Are you using Storyline 3, as well?

You mentioned that when you publish the content for Web and host it on a web server, the Review Quiz button doesn't work. I made a quick file in Storyline 3 to test that, and it the Review Quiz button works there. 

I'd like to take a peek into your file to narrow down why your Review Quiz button isn't working. Would you mind sharing it here? You can attach it ] by using the ADD ATTACHMENT button at the bottom of the reply window. 

Bryan R.

I am experiencing this issue as well.  When I publish to HTML5 and press the "Review Quiz" button, nothing happens (Flash works okay though.)  However, if I press the "Review Quiz" button and then return to the quiz questions via the Menu, I can see the correct answers are indeed marked, but unfortunately the "Review Quiz" button won't jump back to the first question of the quiz.

My workaround was to add the "Review Quiz" trigger as the last element to the timeline start for the Result Slide.  Thus the correct answers are automatically marked as soon as the user finishes the quiz.  I then programmed the "Review Quiz" button to simply jump to the first question of the quiz, as the correct answers have already been marked.

Hope this helps until this bug gets squashed by an update!

P.S. This issue only appears to occur in native Web HTML5 playback when publishing for LMS.  When integrated into a LMS environment, the issue does not appear for me after following the recommendation above (setting to "Always Resume").  Thanks!

Sjoerd de Vries

Here the same issue with all our files after upgrading to SL3. Player setting is "prompt to resume".  ALso slide properties for the questions has the same setting. It works in preview, not in HTML5.

Review button triggers are set to

"Review results SLIDENAME When the user clicks.

It works in preview, not in HTML5 LMS publishing mode. This drives me nuts.



Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Storyline 360 has had a few more updates for fixes than Storyline 3 (although the next update of Storyline 3 will get all the recent bug fixes) so it could have been fixed already. If you'd like us to take a look we're happy too - we'll just need a copy of the project file you  have and we can test it in Storyline 3.

Also, just a note - Storyline 3 and Storyline 360 can be installed together, so no need to uninstall one.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Justin,

Articulate 360 is a subscription, and users are getting a continuous flow of new Storyline 360 features.

In contrast, Storyline 3 is the latest perpetual license of Storyline and it's updated only for bug fixes.

As Ashley mentioned above, the next update of Storyline 3 will get the recent bug fixes you've seen mentioned for Storyline 360.

Iasmi Florou

Hi all,

the Prompt to resume and Always resume doesn't work for me neither. As Sjoerd de Vries mentioned above, the Review Quiz button works fine in preview but not in HTML5.

It would be helpful to know if there is a quick workaround about this or when the next Storyline 3 update will be coming.

Thank you,


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