Problems with questions

Nov 27, 2017

Hi, this is my first time using Storyline and I am having a couple of problems with quiz question slides. 

First, when the button is selected by the user maybe it glows slightly but it's hard to see and then other times the selected button turns blue. I would love for it to be clear which answer was selected and to be able to change the selection before submitting in case the user changes their mind.

Also, when testing the storyline on the iPhone sometimes the user enters the correct answer in a text entry question but the quiz says that they choose wrong. I don't think it's a case-sensitive issue because I didn't check that box but maybe there is something else going on or they are adding a blank character. Any ideas?

6 Replies
David Tait

Hi Darla,

I noticed that the buttons on the pick many activities don't all have the same selected state. The quickest way to fix this is to select one of the buttons that does what you want it to do, then use the format painter to copy the states to the other buttons. See here for instructions:

Re: the text-entry issue, are there any specific slides this affects or is it all of them?

PS, I see you're using the grid accordion I built on slide 1.1, made my day opening up your file and seeing that!

Darla Jones

David that is so awesome!!! I love your badass accordion! It has really helped me figure out articulate.

I've got the button states working now.

The text entry happened in on a few questions, I don't know if it's happening on all of them but in testing I had troubles with Audrey is wearing red shoes (which is in the continuous quiz bank) I needed to know what had happened (perfect bank)

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