Project has become very slow to respond. Possible solutions?

May 23, 2019

I have one project that is about 82 MB. It has just started taking a long time for any commands to respond--sometimes 5 to 10 seconds.

I've created another file and imported the content into that; this hasn't corrected the lag time.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can troubleshoot/correct this?


8 Replies
Allan Dunlop

Hmmm. Just finished another reinstall, and the lag is still there.

I tried another, similar-sized file, and it's working fine. 

Something in the other file is causing it to bog down, but it doesn't have any elements that are different than the rest.

In Task Manager, the power usage for Storyline is often 'very high' when this file is open, in case that info helps.

Any thoughts?

Allan Dunlop

I haven't tried publishing it again yet, but the preview works, albeit slowly. Yes, I've rebooted and just run the one instance of SL with this file.

"Is it a particular slide/s where the preview is slow?"

It's happening when I try to do basic things like reposition a graphic, or edit text, and you've narrowed down the issue! It turns out there are just two slides where this is happening. 

I put them in a new file, and that one--with only two slides--lags. I'll try rebuilding these in the morning and see if I can eliminate the issue.

Thanks once again for your help, Wendy!

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