Question on variables and object states

Oct 06, 2020

I'm working on a Storyline slide that has multiple scenes. I want to the user to be able to click on Part 1, go through the material, and then when they get to the last slide and return to the main menu, a tick appears against Part 1. 

Try as I might, I can't get the tick to reappear once the user revisits the main menu. I have set the variable on the last slide to 'value = False when the timeline starts on this slide' and I have also set the trigger on the menu slide to 'Change state of check1 to Hidden when the timeline starts on check1 If var1Part1 = value False' 

Any suggestions please? I attach sample of it here.

2 Replies
Ned Whiteley

Hi Mandy,

The two attached examples will show you how I approach this issue. They are both basically the same except one of them allows the user to visit the various sections/chapters in any order and the other requires sequential operation.

I use True/False variables and change the state of the section/chapter buttons when the timeline starts on the menu slide if the appropriate variables are True. The tick marks are included in a "Completed" state for each section button.

Hope this helps, but if you have any further queries, just get back to me here.

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