Question question

May 02, 2017

Hi all, 

 My multiple answer slides have info that pops up when you hover over the answers telling you whether its right or wrong and why. As you check them off and move to the next answer it works fine but if you hover again over one that is already checked off the checkmark disappears automatically. I would like to see if there is some setting I need to adjust but unfortunately cannot share the files with the community.

Could I possibly, discreetly, send a hero a story file to look at the course settings on slides 1.14 and 1.17?

3 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Brian - Thanks for sharing your file and allowing us to take a look.

Looks like you are utilizing built-in states, so you do not need triggers for the Hover state to work.

I do believe that's where the system was getting confused. 

I deleted these triggers and it seems to be working as expected.

Your updated file is attached.

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