Quiz Bank Randomized, Numbered Questions - Storyline 360

Feb 27, 2018

I've read through all these threads but can't seem to find the solution! 

I have a quiz from a Quiz Bank.  Questions are randomized.  I need the question number on each screen or users will get lost. Questions have feedback.

I can move through a randomized quiz with the Next/Previous buttons.  The question numbers increase/decrease accurately, using the %quesNumber% variable number someone else shared.  However, if feedback is given when the question is submitted, the Continue button (set to increase +1) doesn't increase the next slide number, even though I added the variable to it.  In fact, the Submit button keeps disappearing, even though the question has not been answered.  I've experimented with changing the order of the variables but that doesn't seem to help.

Could someone please look at this?  I'm hoping it's something crazy I've done.  Thanks!

6 Replies
Lisa Ferris

I think I fixed it!  It was a matter of the variables being in the correct order (at the top of the player list).  Also, on the retry button it has to set the quesNumber variable to zero so it will start numbering the next random draw from the Question Bank at 1. 

So right now, regardless whether the user clicks the Next button, Submit, or Continue button, the slides are numbering correctly.  Sometimes it helps to sleep on things like this and attempt it the next morning.  Thanks!

Alain Dumais

Wow! Ça fonctionne Nickel!

Les autres scripts d'incrémentation que j'ai essayés fonctionnaient bien quand on fait juste d'avancer et de reculer d'une seule diapositive à la fois. Mais quand mes élèves utilisaient le menu du panneau latéral pour revenir directement à une question déjà répondue, la numérotation des pages ne donnait plus de résultats réalistes. Le script d'Ediana règle la situation; même avec plusieurs banques aléatoires dans une même Story.

Bravo et merci du partage!    

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