Quiz Help!

Jun 17, 2020


Firstly, apologies if this has been asked before, I have scoured the forums and not found anything that matches exactly...

I am trying to set up a quiz that is formed of three topics. In order to pass the quiz, the student will need to get a percentage of questions from topic 1, 2 and 3 correct to form the overall score. Such as a minimum  of:

4/7 from topic 1

4/6 from topic 2

5/7 from topic 3

The student MUST have scored at least that from each section to pass, which should make a minimum of 65% of the overall test. 

I have tried doing it via one quiz, with no luck and now separate quizzes with one results screen but the result will give me an average of the three, so theoretically a student could get 7/7 in topic 1, 0/6 in the next and 7/7 for the last and still achieve 65% which is the pass mark but for our assessment would be a fail as they got none from topic two right.....

some one please help, I've been stuck for days! I have full  articulate package so either on quizmaker or storyline! 

Thank you!!!! :) 




1 Reply
Judy Nollet

Hi, Elizabeth,

I suggest you use 3 separate quizzes, each with its own Results slide. Then set up the program so that the user can only access a final slide if they've passed all 3 quizzes. Put a Completion trigger on that final slide. Alternately, if you don't have Storyline 360, you can add a can't-get-it-wrong quiz question at the end. Then add another Results slide to track completion. 

Here's how I've done this sort of thing for linear courses. I force the user to pass the quiz for section 1 before they can continue to section 2, and so on. Then after they pass/complete the last section, they go to an "Acknowledgement" slide. On that, the "final" question is whether they acknowledge that they understand the content in the course. If they answer "No," the Failure layer of the Results slide tells them to review the course. If they answer "Yes," the Success layer of the Results slide indicates that they've successfully completed the course. 

Obviously, this method doesn't track how well they did on each section. But it does work for ensuring they pass each section. 

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