Quiz loses score after resume

Oct 31, 2012

Been searching the forum for this issue, but have yet to find anything similar. I have a course that is a 100-question quiz.  In testing, I answer several questions, then leave the course to test the resume function.  Resuming where I left off works fine in both HTML5 version on iPad and Flash version on a desktop PC.  However, when I get to the end of the quiz, the questions I answered prior to leaving and resuming do not get included in the final score.  So for example, if I leave the course after answering 20 questions, and then resume again and work through the rest of the quiz, my final score is 80%, not 100%.  I'm working from an answer key, so I know it is not my test-taking ability! This happens in both the Flash and HTML5 versions. Any suggestions?  Or is this the way resume works on a quiz, in that location is saved, prior data is not. 

Some details:

- Publishing in SCORM 1.2

- Prompt to resume is checked

- Ignoring Flash cookie when running LMS is checked

- LMS is Starfield, formerly Beeline Orchestrata

Thanks ahead of time for your help!

20 Replies
Peter Anderson

Hey Joe

Would you mind testing your course in SCORM Cloud to help us determine if the issue is Articulate related or if it's on your LMS's side? If it appears in SCORM Cloud as well, we'd be happy to take a closer look at what might be going on. If you can't replicate the issue in SCORM Cloud, it's probably an issue that you'd want to take to your LMS team. The articles here and here may also help clear up common LMS issues.

Joe Hajek

I was able to recreate the issue in SCORM Cloud.  I noticed in the SCORM Cloud log several statements similar to:

 LMSGetDiagnostic('') returned 'cmi.core.suspend_data may not be greater than 4096 characters, your value is 4120 characters.

I've seen other posts about SCORM 1.2 suspend data limits, is this related? Submitting a support case.

Deborah Munitz

Garry posted SCORM limits above. I am wondering if there are AICC limits. I have been experiencing lots of problems lately with quiz tracking and resuming of late. (Since we installed the updater for IE 10!)

I saw this and another one complaining about large pools of questions. I am wondering if there is a relationship where the intermittent problems I see are based on the subset of questions that get pulled from the pool. So perhaps some kids get a different subset and have a problem versus others that get another subset that works.

Having a best practices post that explains actual limits on #'s of questions, sizes of questions with responses etc. would be helpful.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Deborah, 

I'm sorry to hear about the issues you're experiencing with the limits to number of questions and answers. If you could submit a Support case and upload the files that you're working on when submitting the case, so that  we can troubleshoot this further. To send us your Presenter files, follow these instructions to include all the components in one zipped file. 

If you need anything else, let us know! 

Mike Saunderson

I’ve built a course in Storyline 360 and published the course using SCORM 1.2 (HTML5 with flash fallback) that has six sections with quizzes at the end of each section. The quiz result slide at the end of each section sums the total of correct answers in relation to the total answers. At the end of the course, the quiz result slide sums up all the other quiz results slides and submits the score to the LMS. When learners complete the course without exiting the course the quiz result slide that sends the score to the LMS is correct.

Here’s the issue…If a learner starts the course and complete the first two sections and has a cumulative quiz score of 4 correct answers out of 6 possible question, then exits the course. Upon returning to the course, and elects to resume the course and complete the remaining 4 sections and answer the 16 remaining questions correctly. The quiz result slide reflect that they correctly answered 16 questions correctly instead of 20 correct answers. They’ve lost the correct answers from the first two sections. The quiz result slide does reflect that there are 22 questions. No issues with this.

Question…How do I maintain the results from section 1 and 2 when I resume the course?


Leslie McKerchie

Hi Mike! Thanks for sharing your course and allowing us to take a look. Before I dive too deep into your course, I have a few questions.

  • Are you able to replicate this behavior in SCORM Cloud or is this only occurring in your LMS?
  • Is there a reason you are not using built-in results slides for each section? You could then have a master 'results of results' at the end of the course that reported to the LMS.
  • Does your LMS support SCORM 2004? You may be running into suspend data limits if your course is not resuming as expected.

I'm still doing some testing on my end, but wanted to quickly reach out about those initial questions.

Mike Saunderson

Any thoughts as to why it works sometimes and it doesn’t work other times. I just got an email from the customer. Here is the body of the email. Let me know your thoughts. Mike

I have another employee, Heriberta Hernandez ID122586, with a failing message, and she only missed 1 answer. When she went back to check, half of her answers were gone. Even though it asks you if you want to resume where you left, it seems the program is not holding the responses. This is a more than an hour test. This employee took notes to make sure she answered correctly.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Mike! Inconsistency is the hardest to track down, right?

Did you read the information about the SCORM data limits? It certainly sounds like what you may be running into.

We do have a similar issue reported where the score is being reset in question bank courses when the slides are set to 'reset to initial state', but the solution is to set them as 'Automatically Decide', but your course is set correctly. Did you have it set the other way previously and could the user be using a cached version?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Mike,

Were you able to test Leslie's course too and run into the issue?

My apologies if you shared this before..

  • but what browsers were you using?
  • Do you know if you saw the HTML5 or Flash output?
  • How did you close the browser or course down prior to resuming?
  • Was the score reported correctly after her first attempt?
Mike Saunderson

Hi Leslie and Ashley

I published the course using the HTML5 with Flash fallback and AMP. The LMS is hosted by Cornerstone on Demand. To test the course after publication I use SCORM Cloud.

I open the course in SCORM Cloud and the problem was that when I completed the first two section. Section one has a quiz at the end that has two questions and section two has a quiz at the end that has four questions. I exit the course by clicking on the exit button  located in the upper right corner of the course player.  I re-open the course in SCROM Cloud and the course asks me if I want to resume the course. I click the Yes button and the course begins at the beginning of section 3. I complete the course and answer the remaining 16 questions. When I get the result slide it was not including the first two sections.

I went through the quiz bank and adjusted each question to resume save state when revisiting and made sure the randomized questions was set properly. I also reviewed the triggers to ensure everything was set properly. Even with these changes, the course would not work properly.

As long as I was publishing the course using HTML5 with flash fallback and AMP, the issue persisted. I then decided to publish the course using Flash with HTML5 fallback and AMP. I tested the course in SCORM Cloud and it worked!!!

I can only surmise that this was an HTML5 publication issue. It seems that this is temporary solution since my client prefers us using HTML5 as the primary publication tool.

I hope this answers your questions.


Leslie McKerchie

Hi Mike!

Thank you for your persistence and details as well as your patience with us.

This makes more sense and I think you are on the right track.

We do have an issue reported where the score is incorrect when the course is resumed and the questions span scenes, which is what I assume you are using when you say sections.

Workarounds listed are to place questions in one scene and/or use the Flash output.

I will add this thread to the report as we track user impact and I'll drop this little document explaining how we handle these.

Thanks again!

Alyssa Gomez

I've got good news, Mike! We just released another update for Articulate 360, and it includes a fix for the problem where a quiz could be scored incorrectly in the HTML5 output when questions were spread across multiple scenes.

Just launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer and click the Update button for each application. Details here.

Please let me know if you have any questions, either here or by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly.

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