Quiz - Matching Drop Down choice

May 14, 2013

Hello all,

I am a new Storyline user and I must admit so far I'm loving it. I have already built a course, with question in between sections. For one particular question (matching drop down), I was trying to have six statements in the left hand column and they would correspond to the drop down menu items which would have 3 choices. Is this even possible? I don't see this is available when I try to insert a quiz question. All I can see that it must be matching pairs, which means there should be 6 items in the drop down menu as well.  Is there a way to get around this?

Thank you,


33 Replies
Kevin Enlund

Charles, I know it's been awhile since you created this Quiz question, but could you tell me where the Answers are. I see all the variables but unable to reverse engineer it to change the answers/distractors. I will say that I had to convert it when importing it into Storyline 360 but it still works fine. Best Regards!

Robin Brodowsky

Hi Christine,

I love this drop down option and I am trying to adapt it to my needs.

I can not figure out how to tell the program which answer is correct. How do you tell it whether Hotspot 1, 2, or 3 is correct?

I hope this makes sense! If not, let me know.



Bill Dane

To piggy-back on Chad's solution, I did a couple things differently.  First, I edited the tab order to make it more keyboard navigable for users with disabilities.  I've been developing for government agencies for 20 years and some agencies can be very particular about meeting Section 508 requirements (as they should).  Secondly, I added icons to indicate if the choice was correct or incorrect, and deleted the submit buttons altogether.  I also removed the remnants of Christine's code in the sample. 

Annkatrin Zotter

Hallo everybody,

I just had the same problem. I am happy that I found all this help here. Sadly I realised that the answers can only be send in, if these are correct. I think that this is not the right way to do a test. Is there a way to also check wrong answers? And to get only points when the answers are correct?