Quiz Results - Only allow results page to be generated once?

Sep 08, 2016


I have created a quiz using Articulate Storyline and posted it on our company intranet site. I have it generating a certificate when you hit "print results" showing the name of the person & the quiz score. 

The goal is to get employees around the company take the quiz and print off their certificates.

The trouble is that the "print results" button opens the certificate in a new page... All somebody would have to do is close that window and go back to the results page and hit "print results" again, enter a new name, and the same certificate will generate under a new name... One person could potentially take the quiz and print off certificates for all of their workmates.  Does anyone see a way round this?


Thanks very much!


3 Replies
Emily Ruby

Hi Mike,

Have you considered adding a trigger to change the state of the Print Results button to disabled when they click on it? This would need to be above the "print results" trigger.

If you are only allowing one attempt, this should stop them from clicking it multiple times.

Let me know if you need anything further!

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