Quiz stalling when final question answered ....Please help!

Feb 14, 2019

I have a course exam that stalls each time you answer the last question; it spins as if processing but goes nowhere.  I've allowed it to run for over an hour with no change.  I've double-checked the settings for the slide to be sure that the next button submits the interaction as well as the submit button.  I've published to two different LMS' to see if it might be a problem with the site.  Please help.

5 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Amy,

Thanks for sharing your project file. 

I imported the last 4 slides into a new project and still ran into the issue.

I recreated the question slide, same issue.

I recreated the result slide, works great.

I'd recommend deleting the result slide on Slide 1.71, create a new one, and then re-test. 

Let me know if that works better for you.

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