Radio buttons too close to answers in quizzes and spacing can't be changed?

Dec 02, 2019

When I import the questions to a quiz in Storyline 360, the radio buttons are almost touching the answers. I adjusted the indent paragraph style on the master but the quiz text is not obeying the inset, even when I delete the slides and reimport the questions. This is so frustrating. I don't understand why some things on the master are applied, but the inset is ignored.

16 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Carol,

Thanks for reaching out and sharing what you would like to see adjusted in your project.

With your permission, I'd like to take a look at your project file to understand the settings on the slide master that you're adjusting and what you're seeing on the slide. You can share it publicly here, or send it to me privately by uploading it here. I'll delete it when I'm done troubleshooting.

Carol Dungan Logie

Hi, I’d appreciate that, thanks.

Another issue is that when I select the slides in the quiz scene to apply custom properties (no progress bar) it will only change one slide. So I have to select each one and change the properties. It’s a hassle.

The story is attached, and the quiz question doc, in case that would help. The question layout is the last slide in the master, where I added a .3 indent on the paragraph. Deleting the slides and reimporting the questions doesn’t seem to pick up the indent. If you have any suggestions, they’d be much appreciated!


Carol Dungan Logie
Senior Designer

Carol Dungan Logie

Hi Lauren, I really appreciate the tutorial (and kind of blown away that you did it). Unfortunately, I did everything that you recommended, and the buttons are still coming in super tight to the text.

In the file I sent, the ones that were not so tight are probably ones where I added a space before the answer. This looks like what I'll have to do for the time being. Quiz importation works pretty well, but there are important  features that should work for me and don't. 

Carol Dungan Logie

So, I imported my questions into a blank storyline file, adjusted the indent on the master ("Question") slide, and the buttons are still too close, they just indent along with the text. Is it something with importing from an excel spreadsheet?

What I need is to be able to automatically adjust the text boxes that SL creates consisting of the radio button and the question. In my layout, it makes a stack of 4 of these per slide. It just doesn't seem like Articulate intended for people to have to go in to each one of these and adjust the indent manually.

Wendy Farmer

Hi Carol

it's never going to work how you want with the way the masters are currently setup. See the first image - I  adjusted the text box that is on the master to a 40px margin

When this layout is applied to a slide - that margin does hold but it is for the large text box that is on the master - the only object on that master

What it doesn't do is take into account how they slide may be setup eg. Multiple choice, true false, or any other quiz type selection so SL doesn't know to apply that setting to the objects that go onto that slide.

I've tried to mockup a few question slide types but SL keeps taking over when you apply to the slide...I'll keep trying but the method I currently use is to create a question slide - add the content how I want it and then duplicate that to create the other questions - not ideal but allows me to control how it looks and no it wouldn't work with an import unfortunately.

Next Edge

Hi there

Has there been any subsequent update to this issue?  I have text moving randomly while the margins stay the same next to radio buttons.  At the moment I have the indents all 20px away but for the ones that move when I preview, I have to add in 2 spaces. We're translating this to 13 languages so would really like to make sure the bug doesn't extend to the other files later.

Any help welcome!



Leslie McKerchie

Hi L,

Thanks for reaching out and sharing what you are working on.

Have the margins been set on the slide master? We have an open issue specific to the indentation of question choices on slide masters not remaining or applying correctly.

If you'd like our team to take a look, please share your project file with our support engineers to investigate what's happening. You can share it privately by uploading it here, and it will be deleted when troubleshooting is complete.

Ken Flieger

I'd also like to comment about spacing on the submit buttons in a Quiz... there isn't any and hasn't been since day one.

No left or right padding in your css makes Foreign language text for Submit look bad.

<!--button id="submit" class="cs-button btn" aria-label="soumettre" data-tabindex="0" tabindex="0" style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; overflow: visible; tran<button id="submit" class="cs-button btn" aria-label="soumettre" data-tabindex="0" tabindex="0" style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; overflow: visible; transform-origin: center center; cursor: pointer; width: 92px; height: 30px; transform: translate(0px, 8px); display: block;"><div class="view-content" tabindex="-1" style="position: relative; text-align: center; top: 0px;" data-tabindex="-1">SOUMETTRE</div></button>sform-origin: center center; cursor: pointer; width: 92px; height: 30px; transform: translate(0px, 8px); display: block;"><div class="view-content" tabindex="-1" style="position: relative; text-align: center; top: 0px;" data-tabindex="-1">SOUMETTRE</div></button-->

Don Finch

Hello, i recently encountered this oddity with the spacing between the radio button and the correct response being too close, but then adjust out properly when selected while taking the quiz.

My quiz was imported from an XLS file formated according to the Storyline standards. it was not obvious if I should include a space between the * and the correct response, but I tried it both ways. both yielded this defect.

I tried just manually creating a quiz question inline with the others and copy pasted the question into it. this was T/F so no long answers. the spacing issue did NOT appear for this question only. So, something about importing seems to cause it.

I then went back through every question and selected the row of an incorrect response, Copied the Formatting (home ribbon Format Painter), and then Pasted it on the Correct response radio button.

That appears to have fixed the spacing problem!  I could not see any difference in properties from one row to another, but Copy Formatting found something and corrected it.

that is tedious, but successful.

so, there is likely something to investigate with Importing quiz questions from Excel.