RANT: The Minimize Ribbon drives me crazy

Sep 04, 2020

Does this happen to anyone else? I'll go to click a tab and the ribbon minimizes.

This is NOT an accident on my part. In order to actually intentionally minimize the ribbon it requires 2 clicks. This is a bug that I wish Articulate would fix. Whenever it happens it breaks my workflow.

Rant complete.

6 Replies
Tom Kuhlmann

That shouldn't be happening. I use Storyline every day and have never run into this issue. I also do a lot of workshops and have never had that come up with users. It shouldn't be happening to you. Contact our support team support@articulate.com and they can look into it. 

My initial suggestion is that there's a mouse double-click issue which is not uncommon. Sometimes if the double-click is set to low, a click registers as a double-click. 

Here's one site that details some potential fixes. 


Tom Kuhlmann

Double clicking on the ribbon is a feature designed to let people have access to the ribbon when desired and then quickly close to maximize the screen space when working on the course content.

As far as why your mouse is double-clicking to activate it, I'd try some of the workarounds or contact our support team and they hopefully can help resolve it.

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