Read-only seekbar not working in iPAD

May 19, 2017


i have developed a course in Articulate 360. I have kept the seekbar read-only and its working fine on desktop. However, its not working properly on iPAD. User can drag the seekbar on iPAD. Please suggest.



Sayali Sathe

11 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Sayali,

Sorry you've run into this! Our team is working on an issue where the seekbar is draggable in the responsive player for mobile devices, even if you choose the "read-only" setting in the Player Properties. It sounds like that's what you're experiencing, as well. 

I'll be sure to update the report to include this thread, and I'll share an update here as soon as I get more information. 

Thanks so much for reaching out!

Scott L

Hello Alyssa,

I do trust that you'll report back when you learn about the team's updates for this issue on mobile devices. Since this was 3 months back and I am currently wondering about this for an upcoming project, do you know of any update yet?

I looked at the SL 360 version history page,, and didn't see this issue.

As an additional question: Although this is set in the player, as a global-level setting, is there any option for setting this alternately on different slides (never mind the usability confusion this may cause ;-) ? Or would that fall under the "submit a feature request" category?

Alyssa Gomez

Hi there Scott, thanks for checking in! I don't have any updates to share yet. We’re still working on this bug, and we’ll definitely let you know when we know more. Now that you're subscribed to this thread, you'll be notified as soon as we share new information here!

And since you asked about a seekbar setting on a slide-by-slide basis, you do have the option to turn the seekbar on and off for each slide, but there isn't an option to set it to free or read-only for each slide. You're right, that would make a great feature request!

Crystal Horn

Hey everyone.  We just released another update for Articulate 360, and included a few important fixes and new features!

The item you'll be interested in is how the seekbar was interactive in HTML5 output in the responsive mobile player when set to read-only in player properties.  We've fixed this behavior!

Just launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer and click the Update button for each application.

Please let me know if you have any questions, either here or by reaching out to our support engineers directly.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Cristina,

Thanks for checking in. Storyline 3 will receive the same bug fixes as you see in Storyline 360, but they are rolled out at a different schedule. This is based on Storyline 360 being part of the subscription service and our ability to push out updates there with more frequency. 

Once the fix is available in Storyline 3, we'll update these forum discussions too! 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi all,

Great news -  Update 3 of Storyline 3 is available!

We released a fix for the issue where the seekbar was interactive in HTML5 output in the responsive mobile player when set to read-only in player properties.

You can view the Version history here and you'll also be able to download Update 3 here! 

This discussion is closed. You can start a new discussion or contact Articulate Support.