Jan 26, 2017


sorry, i'm french and i don't speak a veryz good english :)

I want to make a rebus. I've made it with "text area" ; there's several area (6) and i want to valid all with one valid button. 

I put my project here ! 

Thanks !!!


5 Replies
Garnier Anthony

Hello Alyssa !

Thank you for your answer !
The correct answer :
1/ Or
2/ Gars
3/ NId
4/ Z
5/ Assis
6/ On

and the complete word is ORGANISATION

Thanks !!

Anthony Garnier
Training Network Logistic SAS
Formateur Certifié Fédération de la Formation Professionnelle (FFP)

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Training Network Logistic, organisme enregistré sous le n°91-66-01932-66

Alyssa Gomez

Hello Anthony! Thank you for those answers. I believe I have the slide working as you'd like it to. I used this demo from Wendy as well as this video tutorial from Jeanette to create the triggers and variables. 

Please take a look at the attached file and this link to the published project. Let me know if it works for you!

Also I wanted to let you know that replying via email includes your email signature here. You're welcome to come back and delete personal information, if you wish. :)

Jessica Velez

Hi I am new to Articulate and am looking to build a quiz where 1 of the questions has multiple answers, that user must answer themselves. 

List the critical points that must maintain first air during aseptic compounding:


I can see by Wendy's Demo how to give multiple responses.  I am just confused what's to say in a question that's asking for a list how do you make sure someone doesn't put the same answer multiple times?


I hope I'm explaining myself right.  Thanks for your help!