Recording Audio through Parallels

Mar 05, 2013


I'm attempting to record audio using Storyline through a local Windows 7 virtual machine loaded on Parallels Desktop on my Mac.  The audio records but is very, VERY low - i.e. hard to hear, almost completely inaudible.  Increasing audio to 100% several times over doesn't really boost the audio enough either.

I've read several forum posts that do not match my scenario or issue exactly and tried various things to resolve the issue.  Reinstalled Parallels Tools, rebooted, Shared (originally was unshared) and unshared Windows and Mac profiles, tweaked Mac audio, tweaked Windows audio but have had no luck.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

11 Replies
Peter Anderson
Gerry Wasiluk

Jim Barker said:

That is an option, I could record in Captivate (or anything else) and export, then import to Storyline but was hoping to avoid importing audio from another source.

Actually, I was hoping more to see if that worked or not.  If it did work, it might point to Storyline.  If not, it might be something else.
Jim Barker

Gerry Wasiluk said:

Jim Barker said:

That is an option, I could record in Captivate (or anything else) and export, then import to Storyline but was hoping to avoid importing audio from another source.

Actually, I was hoping more to see if that worked or not.  If it did work, it might point to Storyline.  If not, it might be something else.
Yes, importing audio recorded elsewhere definitely works without a hitch but, like I mentioned, I would like to streamline my workflow and not have to include a third piece of software just for audio recording in my dev pipeline.  Those few extra steps add up to a ton of extra dev time when recording dozens and dozens of eLearning modules.  In my years of experience I definitely think the issue lies with Storyline and/or Parallels.  Too bad my "years of experience" can't point me to the solution, lol.
Jim Barker

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