Restrict entry box( type english Characters)

Aug 01, 2017

Hi everybody 

I am working on a course and I need to insert entry textbox that allow users to type their name but using english characters only  . Is this possible with js trigger ? 

Any help will be appreciated 

Thanks in advance


4 Replies

Thank you crystal ,  i mentioned that they have to write their names in English through  the intial value of the entry textbox . But  it will be better if i managed to force keyboard to write english letters only because the users are youngs and sometime they dont pay attention to that.... 

Also, i encountered another problem 🙁

I inserted entry textbox and button for submition ... 

I added trigger that prevent submission if the entry textbox is blank 

I noticed that when i press "space "key ...i can submit it even if it is empty 

Hope someone can help

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