Refresher links between layers in different scenes

Jul 27, 2023


I have Scene 1 and Scene 2 and created a refresher button from Scene 2 back to a slide and layer in Scene 1.  This works, but could anyone advise how I can easily get the user to return back from Scene 1 to the same place in Scene 2? 

I have four scenes that will link back to this slide and layer in Scene 1 and I don't want to have lots of buttons displayed when not required until Scene 2 is reached.



6 Replies
Judy Nollet

Put a "jump to previous slide" trigger on a "return" button on the layer.

  • The "jump to previous slide" trigger goes to whatever slide the user was on before they arrived at the current slide. So if they jump to the "refresher" slide in scene 1 from a slide in scene 2, a "jump to previous slide" trigger on the "refresher" slide will send them back to the slide in scene 2.

If you don't want that "return" button to show the first time they get to the slide, set its Initial state to Hidden. Then add a trigger to change it Normal when they return. For example, that might be based on a condition checking a variable that tracks where they were. 

Judy Nollet

Here's an even better solution: show the "refresher" slide in a lightbox, instead of jumping back to it. That'll let the user review the info on that slide, but the main navigation won't be available. So there'd be no chance that they'd click the Prev or Next buttons, which would impact the ability to return to the other scene. 

Dorothy Miller

I am about 98% there following Judy's suggestion but can't get the 'return to xxx' button in the original scene/layer to be hidden when it is first visited and then only displayed when the learner selects the refresher button from another scene/layer. 

Could anyone advise what triggers/variables I need to add to make the button hidden when it is first visited and when the learner selects the refresher button in the other scene the button becomes visible for them to select? I've tried a few options without success.


Judy Nollet

As per previous comment:

You can use the dropdown in the States panel to set the buttons Initial state to Hidden.

To show it, use a trigger that changes the state to Normal, with a condition based on when you want it to show. For example, here's how to do it with a T/F variable:

  • Create a T/F variable with a default value of False.
  • Have the trigger condition be that the variable = True.
  • Adjust the variable True with a trigger on the button that returns to the slide. (Be sure that trigger comes before the trigger that actually jumps to the slide.)

Note that that could get tricky if the user might return to the slide some other way (e.g., via clicking the Menu). One possible solution is to adjust the variable back to False at an appropriate point. But it really all depends on how the entire navigation works. 

If you aren't familiar with conditions and variable, here are the User Guide articles: