Relaunching a Course in Restricted Player Mode

Aug 19, 2016

In need of assistance! I am relatively new to Storyline and am in desperate need of guidance. My client wants to keep a restricted player to prevent users from navigating ahead. Here is my hang up:

I have a final quiz, where learners must achieve 80% or higher to pass. If they fail the quiz, the failure layer shows the option to review course or retry quiz. Both triggers working fine as intended. The slide properties are set to resume last saved mode. However, while in restricted mode, if a student fails the quiz, then exits the course, upon relaunch they are navigated to the last question in the quiz, instead of the results page where they have the option of retrying the quiz. They have to answer question 10 again to be brought back to the results page. I am assuming this is because in restricted mode you cannot navigate to a slide that you have not completed, and the results page is technically not marked as complete if one exits the course without passing the quiz.  Is there any way to bring the students back to that results slide upon relaunch and keeping the restricted player??


Any guidance is greatly appreciated. 

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